Twice a year we need to adjust to a time change compliments of Daylight Savings Time. Unfortunately, every switch is a shock to our natural clock. Studies show there are various effects of the time change on our body systems, even raising the risk for heart attacks and strokes! Read more about that here. And, if you already struggle with your sleep schedule, it can really be damaging. From prior blogs, we know that our mindfulness practice has many benefits to our body, mind, and spirit, and we want to avoid it being a casualty of the alteration to the time.

Time change and routines

Why routines matter

While routines can get a bad rap, they are a necessary part of a mindful life. Frankly, when we adjust to the time change, routines are often sacrificed, at least in the short term. However, it may be when we need them the most. In our uncertain world, there is comfort in routine. Routines help us manage stress levels, sleep better, stick with exercise goals, and feel more confident and competent.

How to preserve routines with the time change

In short, it’s pretty simple to stick with a routine and much more complicated to re-establish them. The first step is to allow yourself to rest in small incremental ways during the first several days following the time change. This will allow you to ease into the adjustment. Next, pick one routine that is most important to you – exercise, meditation, or journaling, for example. Focus on this and only this for a couple of days. Then move on to the next routine. Finally, use affirmations to propel your progress at adjusting. Some of my favorites are, “I am curious about change today”, “May I be enough”, and “I take one step at a time today”.

Please share below any insights, discoveries, or comments on ways you practice Mindfulness and adjusting to the time change and if these tips were helpful for you.

Return to Center with mindfulness each week with me, sign up for more tips on Mindfulness, Yoga, and Meditation, or register for a session here.

Love, Light, Prayers, and Peace!

Alyson Phelan, Certified Mindfulness, Yoga, and Meditation Teacher