Trauma may happen suddenly and unexpectedly, or may be part of a long, difficult road. Regardless of the circumstances, trauma causes challenges that can overwhelm you. Sometimes, trauma affects how we function in our day-to-day lives and we struggle with a sense of connection, safety, and choice. In addition, many trauma survivors often cycle through periods of hyper- or hypo-arousal – meaning they are chronically anxious and hypervigilant or numb to the world around them.
Trauma-informed yoga (TIY) draws from neuroscience, developmental psychology, and interpersonal neurobiology. It provides an opportunity to process and release a traumatic experience throughout the body-mind system. It assists with recovery from the state of severe physiological and psycho-emotional disequilibrium. TIY is an evidence-based adjunctive treatment based on decades of research and centuries of practice.
Certified trauma-informed yoga teachers are specially trained to create a space that is a safe and secure through a predictable environment for yoga practice. This helps:

For trauma survivors, some yoga classes offered in typical environments can retrigger the fight, flight, or freeze response.
This places the sympathetic nervous system into overdrive. I specialize in grounding in the present moment to help you connect to resources inside of you.
This teaches resiliency and recovery on a personalized basis that honors your specific experience and journey. Over time, you will notice a sense of safety and connection within the body, the ability to shift your current emotional state when distressed, and development of a personal toolkit to empower your journey from surviving to healing.
Let’s Connect
I invite you to pause…breathe…and return to center with me.
I welcome talking with you about your journey and sharing trauma-informed yoga, mindfulness, and meditation with you.