The rush of the holidays

Oh, the holiday season and all it’s excitement…and challenges! Often, we rush to buy gifts and mindlessly check off a list. Moreover, our value and worth is defined by what we spend, how others receive our gift, and what others think of us. As a result, our sense of value and self-worth takes a hit. While our intentions are pure, the results don’t live up to the hype of gift-giving. We then have a hole in our center.

What we buy does not give us value or worth. Why? Because it is from outside of us and is defined by society, trends, and commercialism. So, to really know our value and self-worth, we have to go inward. This is a daunting journey. It requires us to be quiet, focused, and sometimes the hardest part, in solitude. How do we begin that journey? Practice Mindfulness.

Give a gift to yourself

First, take the time to find out your core values because awareness of these is transformative in your approach to life. Here’s a link with ways to do this –

Second, tap into your creativity and activate a new part of the brain. Get “sciencey” with this article on why creativity is essential to self-discovery –

Third, practice Mindful gift-giving. Simply slow down and center. Gift-giving is an exchange of energy and, hopefully, increases connection while we show we care. Use a brief meditation daily during the holiday season to bring a sense of calm and peace in your energy. This allows you to be more effective by choosing mindful gifts. Google “5 Minute Meditation” and you literally see thousands of options to add this to your daily practice.

I hope you have a beautiful holiday season and Return to Center with mindfulness. Sign up with me to get even more tips on Mindfulness or register for a class:

closeup photo of baubles on christmas tree