Clutter is a challenge for most of us and we struggle to clear it away. Whether it’s a house full of things littering tables and floors, 1000 emails in our inbox, or a to-do list that grows and grows, clutter causes us to feel uncomfortable, disorganized, and anxious. This affects not only our environment, it also affects our being, mood, and self-esteem. In fact, studies show that clutter increases levels of cortisol, the key measure of stress in the human body.

Ways mindfulness helps clear clutter

At it’s core, mindfulness teaches us to act with intention. This can be uniquely helpful, especially when we are ready to clear clutter. Getting organized is more than just picking up toys and mail. Decluttering mindfully, what we’ll explore today, includes what’s happening in the mind, body, and spirit. So, it’s how we think, how we move, and how we experience our world. Simple techniques to tackle clutter allow us to think more clearly, move more efficiently, and calm the senses. An added benefit, more energy, may be the bonus we all need right now.

Techniques to declutter mindfully

The mind: To reduce clutter in the mind, simply notice your thoughts and decide if you need to address them in the present moment or if you can let them go until later. Here’s a beautiful guided meditation from Mindful Movement that you might enjoy.

The body: To reduce clutter in the body, Walking Meditation can help. It teaches focus of how the body move to increase awareness of the nuances of movement. Here’s an introductory lesson on this from Stop, Breathe, Think.

The Spirit: To reduce clutter in the spirit, find things that fulfill you and stop doing the things that don’t. Importantly, find what fills your soul with purpose. Although a daunting task, start small. This is as easy as sitting quietly and reflecting on what brought you joy as a child. When you’ve got it, focus on that activity for at least a small amount time each week. Simultaneously, stop doing an activity that robs you of your time (i.e. chronically checking social media).

Please share below any insights, discoveries, or comments on ways you practice Mindfulness and clearing away clutter and if these tips were helpful for you.

Return to Center with mindfulness each week with me, sign up for more tips on Mindfulness, Yoga, and Meditation, or register for a session here.

Love, Light, Prayers, and Peace!

Alyson Phelan, Certified Mindfulness, Yoga, and Meditation Teacher